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Phone: 385-321-1529


Here are the towns in our area. . .

The town of Manila is right in the middle wonderful outdoor recreation opportunities.

Record-breaking/Trophy, Fly & Ice fishing; Nature trails for hikers… mountain bikers & Bird watchers: all within the 3 Majestic Utah Mountain Ranges that captures natures beauty surrounding this diverse and tranquil area.

Vernal is 63 miles from the town of Manila.   Vernal, Utah is the site of the largest quarry of prehistoric Jurassic dinosaur bones.  More than 10,000 petroglyphs and pictographs remain in Dinosaur National Monument from the Fremont Indians more than 1,000 years ago.  Only 60 minutes away and you can be in Dinosaur Land.

Green River Wyoming is only 35 minutes away or 46 miles from Nick’s Last Resort RV Park.  You can enjoy the history of Green River as Native Americans, indigenous animals (antelopes, buffalo, deer, etc.), mountain men, pioneers, ranchers, railroad people, and miners have all left their footprints and their legacies in Green River.  Even with the Interstate, the railroad, and other trappings of modern society, the City continues to sit at the crossroads of the west—a timeless, peaceful place.

Rock Springs is 63 miles west from the town of Manila.  Here you can find any city activities you might find necessary to take care of during your stay at Nick’s Last Resort RV Park.  Rock Springs is known as the Home of 56 Nationalities because of the influx of immigrants from all over the world who came to work in the coal mines that supplied the fuel to power the steam engines of the Union Pacific Railroad. The city’s rich cultural heritage is celebrated each summer on International Day, a festival where the foods, costumes, and traditions of residents’ ancestors are recreated and enjoyed at Bunning Park in downtown Rock Springs.

You will find us at 445 East Highway 43, Manila UT, 84046 USA

We’ll be expecting you. . .